All I Want Is A Normal Life

Musings from a girl named Normal.

Archive for the ‘stupid crap from silicon valley’ Category

Though actually, this is pretty damn cool

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It’s TechCrunch50, and, though I loathe TechCrunch and their stupid internet Silicon Valley culture, I had to stop and go “want!” when I saw FitBit. It’s itty bitty tiny weeny.

From what I can tell, you wear it everywhere and it logs everything you do: sleeping, working out, watching TV, making sweet love to your very attractive partner… kind of like a fitness Big Brother. And then it logs all this stuff on their website where you can see it and where your mom can log in and remind you to take calcium as long as you’re not getting enough milk.

I kind of was excited about something of a similar idea, the Nike Plus back when it came out, but it requires me to have an iPod, which I keep losing (yes, three iPods down… I’ve just stopped buying anything but the Shuffle), so I have this useless piece of plastic that only fits in Nike shoes (which I wore out) and only fits on a gadget I no longer own. Totally useless.

So anyways, I signed up for their mailing list and I can’t wait to see it when it comes out… and it’s only $100, so it’s not as expensive as buying a new iPod and Nike shoes. Bonus!

Written by normalslife

September 10, 2008 at 1:21 am